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How To Get My Husband On My Side: (Easy Guide)

 How to get my husband on my side

 How to get my husband on my side

Why does my husband never take my side?

There could be several reasons why your husband does not take your side in certain situations. It’s important to communicate openly with your partner about your feelings and concerns in order to better understand each other’s perspectives. Here are a few potential reasons:

  • Different perspectives: Each person brings their own set of experiences, beliefs, and values, which can shape their opinions and influence their stance on various matters. It’s possible that your husband may genuinely see things differently, leading him to take a different side than yours.
  • Fear of conflict: Some individuals shy away from conflict because they find it uncomfortable or fear that it may damage the relationship. In an attempt to maintain harmony, your husband might try to avoid taking sides altogether.
  • Lack of assertiveness: Your husband may struggle with asserting himself or expressing his own opinions. This can lead him to follow the crowd or opt for neutrality rather than standing up for you.
  • External influences: Friends, family, or societal norms can impact an individual’s perspective and influence their decision-making. It’s possible that your husband might prioritize the opinions of others or be influenced by external sources, causing him to not take your side.
  • Communication issues: Effective communication is crucial in a relationship. If your husband is not fully aware of your thoughts, feelings, and needs, he may not understand the importance of taking your side. Encourage open and honest conversations to ensure that both of you feel heard and understood.

What to do when my husband takes his mother’s side?

When your husband takes his mother’s side in situations where you disagree, it can be challenging and frustrating. However, handling this situation requires effective communication, empathy, and understanding. Here are some steps you can take:

  • Reflect on your feelings: Before discussing the issue with your husband, take a moment to understand your own feelings and the reasons behind them. Identify specific situations where you feel unsupported and try to articulate why it bothers you.
  • Choose an appropriate time and place: Find a calm and private setting to talk things through with your husband. Avoid confrontational or stressful moments, as it may lead to further disagreements.
  • Communicate openly: Express your thoughts and concerns to your husband in a calm, non-confrontational manner. Use “I” statements to avoid sounding accusatory or criticizing, such as “I feel upset when I sense that you always take your mother’s side without considering my perspective.”
  • Listen actively: Give your husband a chance to explain his stance and hear his thoughts without interrupting. Show that you value his opinion and are open to understanding his perspective.
  • Respect boundaries: Respect and understand the bond between your husband and his mother. Avoid making negative comments about her or putting your husband in a position where he has to choose between you and his mother.

How to get my husband on my side

Building a strong partnership with your spouse involves effective communication, empathy, and mutual understanding. Here are some suggestions to help get your husband on your side:

  1. Open and honest communication: Express your thoughts, concerns, and opinions to your husband in a calm and respectful manner. Make sure to listen to his perspective as well, fostering a two-way conversation.
  2. Find common ground: Identify shared values, goals, and interests. Focus on areas of agreement to build a foundation of unity, which will make it easier for your husband to see your point of view.
  3. Empathy and understanding: Try to put yourself in your husband’s shoes and understand his feelings and concerns. Show empathy towards his perspective, even if you disagree with him.
  4. Active listening: Practice active listening skills by giving your full attention, maintaining eye contact, and nodding to show understanding. Respect his thoughts and feelings, and ask clarifying questions when needed.
  5. Compromise and flexibility: Seek solutions that work for both of you. Find a middle ground where both your needs are met, rather than focusing solely on your own desires.
  6. Appreciation and support: Show your husband that you value and appreciate his opinions and efforts. Offer your support when he needs it, which can encourage him to reciprocate.
  7. Seek professional help: If the conflict persists and communication alone is not enough to resolve the issue, consider seeking couples therapy. A licensed therapist can facilitate productive discussions and help both of you understand each other better.


Remember, there could be various reasons for this behaviour, and it’s essential to engage in open and respectful communication to address any concerns or misunderstandings. Building a strong foundation of trust and understanding takes time. Patience, empathy, and open communication are key in strengthening your relationship and finding a balance that works for both of you.

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